Monday, April 28, 2008


Sometimes when I am alone,
I think of past years,
Sometimes when I am alone,
I think, how I met you,
sometimes when I am alone,
I think, it was just a dream,
Sometimes when I am alone,
I think, how we talked hours and hours,
Sometimes when I am alone,
I think, how we used to fight,
Sometimes when I am alone,
I think, you made ma cry,
Sometimes when I am alone,
I think, how you made me smile,
Sometimes when I am alone,
I think, why I fall in love with you,
Sometimes when I am alone,
I think why you did not love me?
Sometimes when I am alone,
I think how everything got changed,
Sometimes when I am alone,
I think, how I got away from your life?
Sometimes when I am alone,
I think why I decided to go away,
Sometimes when I am alone,
I think have you missed me ever though as a friend?
and if so, then why you did not show?
just because I loved you...
Do you think, was it fair to me?
All I asked was just your friendship,
Sometimes when I am alone,
I have so many questions,
But you never answered any,
Just because I loved you and you did not...
All I wanted to ask you is,
Is this a fault to love you more than my self?
If not, then why our friendship got changed?
The bond of friendship was not such that,
All relations ended for only one reason,
That is just I loved you and you did not.

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